Vegetarian Kosher Cookbooks
While many pure vegan cookbooks contain recipes that are easily adapted to
kosher ingredients, only those cookbooks that emphasize kosher cuisine
are included in this compilation.
- Gil Marks,
Olive Trees and Honey: A Treasury of Vegetarian Recipes from Jewish Communities Around the World
John Wiley & Sons, November 2004. 464 pages. Excellent cookbook for vegetarians.
- Roberta Kalechofsky and Rosa Rasiel,
The Jewish Vegetarian Year Cookbook,
Book Publishing Company, June 1997. Paperback. 216 pages.
- Lorna Sass,
New Vegan Cookbook: Innovative Vegetarian Recipes Free of Dairy, Eggs, and Cholesterol,
Quirk Books, May 2001. Paperback. 120 pages.
- Roberta Kalechofsky,
The Vegetarian Pesach Cookbook: Feasts for Freedom,
Micah Publications, February 2002. Paperback. 72 pages.
- Debra Wasserman,
The Lowfat Jewish Vegetarian Cookbook: Healthy Traditions from Around the World,
Vegetarian Resource Group, July 1995. 224 pages.
- Eileen Goltz,
Perfectly Pareve,
Feldheim, 2001. Hardcover. 163 pages. 350 recipes, all pareve (no milk
or meat).
- Rose Friedman,
Jewish Vegetarian Cooking,
Thorsons, January 1999. Paperback. 160 pages.
- Rivky Katz,
Salad Time Kosher Cookbook,
Judaica Press. Hardcover. 122 pages. 260 recipes. Just salads.
- Judith Gethers and Elizabeth Lefft,
The World Famous Ratner's Meatless Cookbook,
Ballantine Books, January 1983. Paperback. 192 pages.
- Edith Rothschild,
Nutrilicious: Food for Thought and Whole Health,
Feldheim Publishers, May 2007. Paperback. 260 pages. More than 150 good
recipes and cooking tips accompanied by a lot of bad poetry and some mildly
entertaining stories. Interesting use of tahini as an egg substitute.
Covers soups, salads, sauces, pasta, tofu, fish, eggs, desserts and
chocolate creations.