A Public Service of Mark Kantrowitz

Historical Kosher Cookbooks


Historical Kosher Cookbooks

  • Cara De Silva, Editor, In Memory's Kitchen: A Legacy from the Women of Terezin, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., May 2006. Paperback. 154 pages. A compilation of recipes from women from the Theresienstadt (Terezin) concentration camp. Terezin was a way station to Auschwitz. The women compiled the recipes from memory in order to preserve them for future generations. (The recipes may be difficult to prepare due to the use of European measurements.)

  • Esther Levy, The First Jewish-American Cookbook: 1871, Dover Publications, September 2004. Paperback. 208 pages. Unabridged reprint of original 1871 edition.

  • David M. Gitlitz and Linda Kay Davidson, A Drizzle of Honey: The Life and Recipes of Spain's Secret Jews, St. Martin's Griffin, September 2000. Paperback. 352 pages. Recreations of medieval recipes are coupled with stomach-turning historical anecdotes. Readers of this book are unlikely to want to prepare the recipes due to this juxtaposition.


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